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第47章 Jumping into Danger


Smoke jumping is one of the world\'s most dangerous jobs. Firefighting, in general, is fraught with (充满) hazards. But can you imagine parachuting (n./v. 跳伞) into a wildfire in a remote area with no easy access out? This is exactly what smoke jumpers do. They are special individuals who are highly trained. They are skilled at thinking on their feet and making quick decisions.

The idea of smoke jumping was first proposed in 1934, by a forester named T. V. Pearson. Fires in remote places were difficult to reach when the nearest town was miles away and no roads led to the areas that needed to be reached. Pearson\'s idea was that trained firefighters could drop into the affected area via parachute, where they could gain quick access to the fire. Less of their energy needed to be spent on a lengthy hike over rough terrain. Instead, the smoke jumpers could save their energy for where it was needed: fighting the fire. In addition, the sooner they could reach the fire, the better chance they would have of controlling it.

Experiments began in 1939 in the state of Washington. After it was proved that firefighters could sagely parachute into areas that were dense with trees, the first smoke jumping operation was established in Washington and Montana. IN 1940, firefighters Rufus Robinson and Earl Cooley made the first jump into Idaho\'s Nez Perce National Forest. Thirty-one years later, a woman named Deanne Shulman became the first female smoke jumper. Today, there are fewer than 500 smoke jumpers in the United States, and only a small percentage of them are women. This statistic is less about gender discrimination (n. 性别歧视) than about the stiff (adj. 严格) physical requirements. Smoke jumping is a strenuous (adj. 艰苦的) job--for men and women.

After smoke jumpers parachute into a forest, the planes drop provisions, such as food, water, and camping gear. The supplies are dropped by parachute so that the firefighters can set up camp nearby. One of the physically demanding requirements of the job is the ability to carry a pack that weighs between 85 and 110 pounds (39-50 kg). The hike can be rough, especially when you keep in mind that wildfires often occur in very hot, dry areas.

Smoke jumper bases are located in only a few states today: Alasa, Idaho, Washington, California, Oregon, and Montana. The firefighters who work there are frequently sent to fight wildfires in other areas of the country where remote blazes are burning, too. Even when they\'re not busy fighting fires, there is plenty of work for smoke jumpers to do. Their equipment needs to be maintained and always ready for action. Parachutes must be checked for tears, broken lines, or anything that could keep them from working properly. The smoke jumpers themselves need to stay in top shape. Every day includes a workout that is at least an hour and a half long.

Does an intense job filled with danger and excitement appeal to you? Even if it does, there are a few other characteristics that smoke jumpers also need to possess. Smoke jumpers need to be in very good physical condition. They need to be mentally strong as well, since they work in a high-stress field. Reliability, the desire to help other, and the ability to work well both independently and with a team, are important. Few people have the desire to do such demanding and potentially dangerous work. those who would rather remain at a comfortable distance from a fire are in debt to the brace few who are willing to risk everything.


1. Why do you think that smoke jumper bases are located only in the states listed in paragraph 5?

2. What are the characteristics of a fire that smoke jumpers might fight?

3. What are two things smoke jumpers do when they are not fighting fires?

4. Deanne Shulman was the first __________. (填空题)

5. What are three characteristics of smoke jumpers and why are they important?

6. Would you ever consider a career in smoke jumping or firefighting?
