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笔趣阁 > 蒋家王朝3game play me3 > 第288章 第 288 章

第288章 第 288 章


we just play.went poor home.and s.tell Zhangpeng and bc.and they agree.

you want to talk something?bc asked s

s know that he said is.ys.

I want to listening to you idea.but s said.

he miss you.bc said

s.honest and slow-witted.he is at Xujiayi there.he.said.

find he.bc said

ys back.and take.Xujiayi here

okey.we all play.ZhangPeng said

I love my wife s!ys said can't take it anymore.I.bc and s so happy.

lie.bc said.I can't give s to you I think

believe me.bc said to bc

ok.bc said

you want Raising her for how long?Zhangpeng's wife asked Zhangpeng

or you raising the big fEmily.Zhangpeng said to his wife

we.can't give s to zhang.bc and ys.said

so so your there play.Zhangpeng said

okbc and ys.said

what about I?liuqi asked

can't take care of so much anymore.s said.Anthony must Take action.bc this time take the Italy'king!

he will.take.who?ys.asked

I need thinking.s.said.

you can't thinking out.bc said

so what should we do?s asked bc

play.bc said
