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笔趣阁 > 蒋家王朝3game play me3 > 第315章 第 315 章

第315章 第 315 章


but bc.rose said in an cool sound.I must say.you had do lost for s!

ah.this thing.bc said not to mind.nothing.

nothing?rose said.you don\'t know.eveeything!

what?bc asked

your team.your money.your so much thing!s is all know!but he is black or w…white do you know?!rose pant and look pale

none of your business.bc said and leave

quarrel!quarrel!quarrel!rose\'s.mother reprimand her.give you money to buy Estee Lauder or dior and shut up!

when her mother went.and rose Silently shed tears.
