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笔趣阁 > 蒋家王朝3game play me3 > 第335章 第 335 章

第335章 第 335 章


flowers and green ah.ergou said.that\'s social butterfly.namely bus

no.Zhangpeng said.it\'s Clearly bos

politeness.liuqi said to them

fuck.the tow guys.said and went

I m strong.s said

a-ha.your\'s man oh.no.your\'s boys are all strong.I m afraid.flowers and green said

what\'s you say?Zhangpeng said to her

I just To tell the truth.flowers and green said.or you means you don\'t strong?

i…Zhangpeng said

ha.flowers and green laughed and want to take rose away.let\'s go.she said to rose.don\'t see Zhangpeng ect at all

dance to me.bc Intercept rose and said

rose eyes to s.s looked pale.no.rose said

ha.s laugh.love.

rose.love me.jack said.to.bc

s.bc said I didn\'t give rose to jack.they inappropriate.

why did you know?s asked him.

because I m an gentleman.bc said honest

and.she.is a lady.and I m a bos.s said and give him a humorous smile

dance to me.ys said to s

one man.flowers and green said.had tow husband.and laugh.the sound so big that everyone listened.and eyes to there

ha.s said.humorous again.we had too many people.Internal digestion.for other words.I had charm.

your charm seam like bus.flowers and green said

flowers.rose said.we are lady.

girls s said.so trouble.

you are girls too.rose said

no.s said.I m not.I just like a girl.

you like a girl.flowers and green said and laugh again in big voice
