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笔趣阁 > 蒋家王朝3game play me3 > 第342章 第 342 章

第342章 第 342 章


no.s.said.you and bc just do not want to work hard.I will leave yours and went to zhang family.

right.bc said.so you and zhang family single play.aha

ok.s said.yours do what yours do to me to yoursself and yours know.and s leave bc and ys

we know.bc said.don't leave

no.so late.s.said.I only give opportunity to ys.I don't give the same to you as I know you late这.but now I don't give it to ys also.as I m tired.byebye.ys.and bc.yours.are not my Mir right.now I know.bye bye.
