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笔趣阁 > 蒋家王朝3game play me3 > 第382章 第 382 章

第382章 第 382 章


waaaa!ya.said happy and jump.we had flowers and fountains.in the yard!

that\'s rosaceous.rose said

I want nearby rose.flowers and green said

en.rose said to her

okey.bc said.you live d on The-Third-Floor too.bc

we had housekeep!whom is otc!s said.

don\'t forget me!otc coming and smile ing.Mr Yao let me see yours.I m here!

oh.ah.flowers and green said in an embarrassed smile

he said he missing you!otc said to her

I I just busy.flowers and green said

only first love.rose said

and flowers and green disappeared
