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笔趣阁 > 雅思再爱我一次 > 第49章 翻译2

第49章 翻译2


翻译51:因为费用的下降,航空最近几十年发展得很快。错误的句子: The airline has sharp development in recent decades , with the cost decline .

错误1:in recent decades 一般要用现在完成时态,这句话没有错误2:" has sharp development "表达比较别扭


正确的句子: Because of low - cost carriers , the aviation industry has developed at an astounding pace over the past decades .

句子结构:主语( the aviation industry )+不及物动词( developed );" Because of low - cost carriers "原因状语:" over the past decades "时间状语:" at an astounding pace "程度状语


错误的句子: Animal experiment is occasionally unable to examine drugs side effects .

错误1: Animal experiment 可数名词,要加负数

错误2: occasionally 意思是"偶尔地,极少地"

错误3:drugs side effects 没有使用所有格

正确的句子: Animal experiments sometimes fail to detect the

undesirable side effects of drugs .

句子结构:主语+不及物动词( fail )+状语( to ….)


错误的句子: Hunting illegally leads to the extinct of species .

错误: extinct 是个形容词,而 lead to 后面要加名词

正确的句子: Some animals have died out because of illegal hunting 主语( some animals )+不及物动词( have died out )+状语( because of ….)

翻译54:很多女孩都不愿意在男人居多的行业里( male - dominated world )找工作。

错误的句子: A number of girls are not willing to hunting jobs in the male - dominated world

错误1 willing to do something 固定搭配

错误2 a number of 在这里感觉是在某个地方,有一些女孩不愿意做什么。


正确的句子: Many girls are not willing to seek employment in a male - dominated world .

句子结构:主语+系动词+表语( willing )


Numerous women are unwilling to find employment in a male - dominated world because they can face barriers to top - level promotion .


翻译55:学校的主要功能是给下一代灌输知识( impart knowledge )。我错误的句子: the main function of school is impart knowledge to the next generation .

错误1 school 可数名词,要加冠词或者复数

错误" is + do "永远是错的

正确的句子: The main function of schools is to impart knowledge to the next generation .

句子结构:主语+系动词( is )+表语( to impart knowledge to the next generation )



错误的句子: Arts is not regarded as a core curriculum at school .错误1



正确的句子: The arts are not among core subject areas at school .

句子结构:主语( The arts )+系动词( are )+表语(介词 among +宾语…充当表语)

拓展的句子: The arts are not among core subject areas at school . However , we should learn them at school . Because they could add spice of our life .

错误1: because 是从属连词,要连接两个句子。

错误2:add spice to life 才是固定搭配


正确的句子: The arts are not among core subject areas at school but deserve a place in the curriculum , for these subjects add spice to life .中文:虽然艺术不属于学校的主要课程,但是它们在课程大纲里值得拥有一席之地,因为这些科目能够给生活添色彩。

翻译57:因为不够明朗的经济前景( economic outlook ),很多公司不可能招聘新的职员。

错误的句子: Because of unclear / ambiguous economic outlook , many

companies are unlikely to recruit new employments .

错误1 ambiguous 一般不修饰 OUTLOOK

错误2应该是 employees

正确的句子: Because of the uncertainty about the economic outlook , many companies are unlikely to recruit new employees .


Because of 是介词词组引导原因状语

拓展的句子: Because of the uncertainty about the economic outlook , many companies are unlikely to recruit new employers , so a considerable number of graduates will face the problem of unemployment .

错误:" because of "和" so "一般避免连用

错误2: employees 雇员

正确的句子: Because of the uncertainty about the economic outlook , many companies are unlikely to recruit new employees and a considerable number of graduates fail to find employment .



错误的句子: Air freight is likely to exhaust a large number of greenhouse gases .

错误1 exhaust 这个词动词的时候,没有排放的意思(这个是很常见的错误!)

错误2 a large number of 很少形容 gases , goods 这种强调数量的东西。

正确的句子: Air freight is likely to create enormous greenhouse gases .注:这句话也可以使用完成时态: Air freight has produced enormous greenhouse gases .完成时在这里最大的问题是把 air freight 变成了一个持续的完整的事物,而我们都知道空运是有次数的分别。句子结构:主语+系动词+表语


Air freight is likely to create more greenhouse gases than other modes of transport .



错误的句子: The children are likely to meet behavior problems .错误1 meet problems 搭配不对

错误2 behavioural problems 固定搭配

正确的句子: Some children are likely to have behavioural problems .

句子结构:主语+系动词+表语( likely )


The children who are exposed to abuse or neglect in the home are likely to have behavioural problems .



错误的句子: population expansion constitutes the main reason of

enormous garbages .

错误1 reason for 固定搭配

错误2 garbage 和 waste 都是不可数名词

正确的句子: The rapid population expansion is the main reason for the huge accumulation of waste .

句子结构:主语+系动词+表语( reason )


Population expansion is the main reason for the huge accumulation of waste , which can take decades to degrade .



错误的句子: Stiff sentences is an effective method to decrease crime rates .

错误1主谓不一致 stiff sentences

错误2 decrease crime rates 表达不是很好

正确的句子: Stiff punishment is an effective method to reduce crime .

句子结构:主语+系动词+表语;不定式" to reduce crime "还可以用名词性从句和状语从句扩充

It is suggested that stiff punishment is an effective method to reduce crime , as offenders are fearful of getting caught and less likely to commit crime .



错误的句子: Our environment still be in a dire state .


正确的句子: Our environment is still in a dire state .

句子的结构:主语+系动词+表语(介宾短语 in a dire state 充当)


Unless our modern lifestyle experiences a pro '

environment will still be in a dire state .

或者: Unless we make profound changes in modern lifestyles , our

environment will remain in a dire state .



错误的句子: Undergraduates are forced to study under pressure due to severe situation of unemployment rate is ascending currently .

错误1 due to 是介词,后面要加名词(多看手把手第二章,跪求!)错误2 ascend ,坑爹替换词


Undergraduates feel under increasing pressure to study hard , because of the soaring unemployment rate .

句子结构:主语( undergraduates )+系动词( feel )+表语(介宾短语 under pressure 充当)


Students feel pressured to study hard because the unemployment rate is increasing .


错误的句子: People find it hard to overcome the racial discrimination against some social groups .

错误这个句子比较大的问题就是主语是 PEOPLE 就是被歧视的人,最后又跑到句末做 against 的宾语。

正确的句子: Racial discrimination remains a serious problem .

句子的结构:主语+系动词( remain )+表语


Racial discrimination remains a serious problem , although governments promote equality .



错误的句子: Learning time tables by rote are not the best way that improves arithmetic ability .

错误1:动名词做主语,谓语动词应该是" is "

错误2:" way that …"定语从句,太过繁琐

正确的句子: Learning the times table by rote is not the best way to improve numeracy .

句子结构:主语( Learning the times table by rote )+系动词( is )+表语( the best way );而" to improve numeracy "是后置定语修饰 way 。


错误的句子: Deprived countries concern how to satisfy citizens ' requirements of survive .

错误1 concern 类似于 worry 或者 involve ,在这里都不对

错误2 requirements 语意理解错误

错误3 Of 后面要加名词,而 survive 是动词

正确的句子: The top priority for deprived countries is to satisfy citizens ' basic needs .

句子的结构:主语( priority )+系动词( is )+表语( to satisfy citizens ' basic needs )

拓展的句子: The top priority for deprived countries is to satisfy citizens ' basic needs , which is an effective method to sustain social stability


正确的句子: The top priority for deprived countries is to satisfy citizens ' basic needs , and by doing this , governments can sustain social stability .




The impact that genetic food has on our health still remains unknown .错误1其实定语从句中,最好要规避这种先行词充当从句宾语的情况,读起来比较别扭。

错误2 remains 已经包含 still 。

错误3 genetic food 这个表达也不是很好。

正确的句子: The health effect of GE food remains unclear / yet to be known .

句子结构:主语( health effect )+系动词( remains )+表语( unclear )也可以用状语从句拓展

The health effect of GE food remains unclear , so clear food labeling is strongly advocated .

注: clear food labeling 就是商场食品上清晰的标签(说清楚食物的特点)


翻译68:网络购物对于很多人已经成为生活中的很普通的一部分。错误的句子: It has become an important part for most people to shop online in daily life .

错误" part of daily life "是固定的说法

正确的句子: Online shopping has become a normal part of people ' s everyday life .


翻译69:在一个消费社会里,人们不再满足生活必需品( bare necessities )。

错误的句子: ina throw - away society , people are not satisfied with bare necessities any more .

错误1:throw- away society 这个词伙不对。

错误2: not … any more 一般是形容量的东西,而 no longer 强调动作的持续。

正确的句子: in the consumer society , bare necessities are not able to satisfy people ' s needs .

翻译70:人们不健康的生活方式是他们倾向于依赖科技的结果。错误的句子: Unhealthy lifestyle is the result of trend to rely on science and technology .

错误1:Unhealthy lifestyle 是可数名词,需要加冠词

错误2:" trend toward doing something "还有" tendency to do something "

正确的句子: People ' s unhealthy lifestyle is the result of their tendency to rely heavily on technology .


主语( unhealthy lifestyle )+系动词( is )+表语( the result );" of …"全是定语

拓展的句子: People ' s unhealthy lifestyle is the result of their tendency to rely heavily on technology , because this makes their lives more convenience .


错误2: because 引导的原因状语从句不清晰,到底是解释 unhealthy lifestyle ,还是解释 rely heavily on technology ?

正确的句子: People ' s unhealthy lifestyle is the result of their tendency to rely heavily on technology , despite the fact that technology has made their lives convenient and improved their lives significantly .中文:人们不健康的生活方式是他们倾向于依赖科技的结果,尽管事实上科技让他们的生活更加方便,给他们的生活带来很大提高。


错误的句子: The reason which cause increasingly number of community crimes in society is poverty .

错误1: reason which cause ,从句的主谓不一致,而且搭配不好错误2: increasingly number 副词不能修饰名词

错误3:这个学生硬是把简单的事情罗嗦地说出来,很别扭。雅思考试考的是语言的通顺和地道,而不是考你的句子是否够复杂。正确的句子: Poverty is responsible for the crime wave in many communities .

句子结构:主语( poverty )+系动词( is )+表语( responsible )拓展的句子: Because of low - cost carriers , the aviation industry has developed at an astounding pace over the past decades , that means people ' s traveling will become more convenience and safety .错误1:一般来说是 this means that

错误2:become是系动词,后面加形容词去修饰主语。错误3:safety和前面 low - cost carriers 没什么联系。正确的句子: Because of low - cost carriers , the aviation industry has developed at an astounding pace over the past decades , and this means that people are tempted to travel more frequently than before .中文:因为费用的下降,航空最近几十年发展得很快,这意味着人们会比以前更多旅游。

翻译72:电子汽车的发明是我们维护环境所做努力的其中一部分。错误的句子: The invention of electric vehicles is a part of our efforts aiming at preserving the environment .

错误1:一般是" part of "

错误2:" effort to do something "更为通顺,在这里正确的句子: The invention of electric vehicles is sustain the environment .

句子结构:主语( The invention of electric vehicles )+系动词( is )+表语( part );" of …"全是定语

拓展的句子: The invention of electric vehicles is part of our effort to sustain the environment , because electric vehicles do not conduct exhaust emission , compared with fossil fuel motors

错误1: electric vehicles 重复

错误2:conduct exhaust emission 搭配问题

错误3:fossil fuel motors 用词不好, MOTOR 是马达的意思。正确的句子: The invention of electric vehicles is part of our effort to sustain the environment because these vehicles create less exhaust fumes than conventional cars .



翻译73:送贵重的礼物( lavish gifts )是中国的习惯

错误的句子: It is very common for Chinese to send lavish gifts to other .

错误的原因: other 是形容词,充当定语,这里需要一个名词性的代词,充当介词 to 的宾语

正确的句子: It is very common for Chinese people to exchange lavish gifts .

句子结构:主语+系动词+表语; it 是形式主语," to exchange lavish gifts "不定式是真正的主语。

其他选择: Exchanging lavish gifts is a tradition in China



Exchanging lavish gifts is a tradition in China and many people feel

they lose face when giving or receiving inexpensive gifts .



错误的句子: We will find it difficult for us to protect the biodiversity of vegetation in the coming decades .

错误1 we ... for us


错误2 vegetation 略显重复

正确的句子: We will find it difficult to preserve biodiversity in the coming decades .

句子结构:主语+谓语+宾语( it ,形式宾语)+宾语补足语( difficult ),而不定式是真正的宾语


Unless local authorities reduce the impact of city expansion on vegetation , we will find it difficult to preserve biodiversity in the coming decades .



错误的句子: As the growing age , people is hard to connect with their families and friends frequently .

错误1 As the growing age 没有这个表达

错误2 people is 主谓不一致


错误4 connect frequently 不搭配

正确的句子: With age , people find it difficult to maintain contact with family and friends .

句子结构:主语( people )+谓语( find )+宾语( it ,形式宾语)+宾语补足语( difficult ),而不定式是真正的宾语

注: contact 动词的时候是及物动词,不能加介词, people find it easy to contact their friends today .

学生的句子: With age , people find it difficult to maintain contact with family and friends , due to fact that they are occupied with career development and advance education .

错误= advance education 没有这个表达

错误4 connect frequently 不搭配

正确的句子: With age , people find it difficult to maintain contact with family and friends , as they are occupied with work and other commitments .


翻译76:免费上大学使得家景不好的学生有同等的上学机会错误的句子: Free tuition fees makes it possible for students from less well - off background have equal access to tertiary education .错误1 make it possible for somebody to do something .

错误3 background 用复数

正确的句子: Free university education makes it possible for students from less well - off backgrounds to have equal access to tertiary education .

注: access 是不可数名词, access to something 习惯搭配; access 也可以是及物动词,但是一般没有" access education "这个说法。注: tertiary education = university education

句子结构:句子结构:主语+谓语+宾语( it ,形式宾语)+宾语

补足语( difficult ),而不定式( to have equal access to tertiary education )是真正的宾语

还可以用名词性从句( believe that )和定语从句( who agree with )扩充 People who agree with free university education believe that this practice makes it possible for students from less well - off backgrounds to have equal access to tertiary education .



错误的句子: Many people think that they are necessary to chaes after fashion .

错误:人没有 necessary 这么一说; chase 在这里用作及物动词比较好。

正确的句子: Many people consider it necessary to follow fashion .

句子结构:主语( many people )+及物动词( consider )+形式宾语( it )+宾语补足语( necessary );真正的宾语是 to follow fashion .拓展的句子: Many people consider it necessary to follow fashion ; otherwise , they believe they are behind the times .




Cutting the budget of the education pose a threat to the opportunities of the young people who want to take part in the higher education .错误1:动名词 Cutting 做主语,但是谓语动词没有用单数。错误2: pose a threat to the opportunities 搭配不好

错误3:后面用定语从句也是过分累赘, opportunities to do something 是习惯的表达。很多中国学生习惯的问题是把表达复杂化,觉得那样才是好作文,而 native speaker 更加注意文字的简练和清楚。

正确的句子: Budget cuts make it difficult for many young people to receive a college education .

句子结构:主语( Budget cuts )+及物动词( make )+宾语( it 形式宾语)+宾语补足语( difficult );这个句子真正的宾语是" to receive a college education "


错误的句子: Sometimes , it is difficult to evaluate the environmental costs of people ' s behaviors .

错误1:environmental cost 在这里用单数就好,因为是在说整个影响,而不是不同的影响。


错误3: behaviour 在这里不用 activities 好,因为行为是指人的瞬间举动, activities 一般是持续时间比较长。

正确的句子: Sometimes , itisdifficulttoevaluate the environmental cost of human activities .

句子结构:主语( it )+系动词( is )+表语( difficult );而" to evaluate the environmental cost of human activities "不定式充当形式主语。拓展的句子:

Sometimes , although it is difficult to evaluate the environmental cost of human activities , there is a necessity for the government enacting legislations to restrict some behaviors , which can also arise people ' s concern about environmental degradation .

错误1:there is a necessity for 别扭

错误2: arise 不及物动词


正确的句子: Sometimes , although it is difficult to evaluate the environmental cost of human activities , it is necessary to enact laws to restrict some behaviours .


There be 句型


错误的句子: in large - scale cities have some deprived communities 错误 in large - scale cities 介宾短语不能够充当主语

正确的句子: There are some economically deprived communities in large cities .

句子结构: there be 句型


错误的句子: There is no clear link between selection in terms of students ' ability and their academic performance .

错误: in terms of 是一个被中国学生用烂的词,有时候过分罗嗦

正确的句子: There is no clear link between grouping students by ability and their levels of attainment .

句子结构: there be 句型



错误的句子: The PE class not only improves students physical conditions but also boosts their confidence .

错误1 not only but also 一般引导并列的、联系不密切的东西,而不是有因果关系的东西。在这里," improve hysical conditions "很

明显会" boosts their confidence ",具备因果关系。

错误2 students '所有格

正确的句子: The PE class improves students ' physical conditions and boosts their confidence .


We should recognise the importance of the PE class , as it improves students ' physical conditions and boosts their confidence .



While academic performance is highly valued , we should not lose sight of the importance of students ' physical condition .



错误的句子: Countries competition are intensively and lack of resources such as the natural gas and fossil oil


错误2 intensively 副词不能充当表语


正确的句子: The competition is intense and some countries are at a disadvantage because of the lack of resources such as natural gas and fossil fuels .


错误的句子: Opening new branches in developing countries can reduce the cost of production and earn huge profits .

错误1: opening new branches 不可能是 earn 的主语

正确的句子: Opening new branches in developing countries can reduce the cost of production and generate huge profit


错误的句子: The slightly lifestyle changes make a huge difference and alleviate impacts caused by our daily activities on the environment .错误1: slightly 是副词不能修饰 lifestyles

错误2:减少影响不能用 alleviate

错误3:impacts caused by 中式

正确的句子: Small lifestyle changes can make a huge difference and can reduce the environmental impact of our daily activities .



错误的句子: It is difficult for them to improve working experience because they lack of work placements .

错误1:提升工作技能不是提升工作经验 experience 。


正确的句子: It is difficult for them to improve job skills because there are no work placements .


错误的句子: Although gain qualifications that graduates cannot earn any money 。

错误1:让步状语从句引导词用 although ,不需要 that


正确的句子: University students cannot earn money even though they have gained qualifications .


错误的句子: As the fierce competition and fast development of technology , nowadays , it is a daunting task to run a company .


正确的句子: Running an organisation in today ' s world can be a daunting task , because competition is stiff and technology is developing rapidly .



错误的句子: The fact is that some jobs have made redundant because of the mechanization .


错误2:不需要定冠词 the ,没有特指哪种机械化

正确的句子: The fact is that some jobs have been made redundant because of mechanisation .

句子结构:主语( fact )+系动词( is )+表语从句( that 引导,无意义,起连接作用)

That 在句中不做成分,无意义,不可省略。

翻译:90:确实如此,现在很多人选择走向环保和减少能源的使用。错误的句子: The truth is that plenty of people choose to go green and decline the use of energy .

错误1:一般用 it is true that 的表语从句

错误2: plenty of 一般修饰不可数名词

错误3:减少使用,不用 decline 。

正确的句子: It is true that many people today have chosen to go green and cut down on the use of energy .

句子结构:形式主语( it )+系动词( is )+ true (表语)+ that 引导的主语从句

That 从句作主语时,常用 it 做形式主语。


错误的句子: Sencentcing is harmful to young people , since this fact that the record of criminal can cast a long shadow on their career .错误1:sentence可以直接做名词,且为可数名词

错误2:since是连词,要连接句子,这里应使用介宾结构做状语正确的句子: A prison sentence can be damaging to young people , due to the fact that the criminal record can cast a long shadow on their career .

句子结构:主语( A prison sentence )+系动词( be )+表语( damaging ) Due to the fact that 引导同位语从句,解释说明 the fact 的具体内容。


错误的句子: I believe that fast food advertisement have a direct link on rising levels of obesity .

错误1: advertisement 为可数名词,不能裸奔

错误2:最好用 there be 句型, have a link with

正确的句子: I believe that there is a direct link between fast food advertisements and rising levels of obesity .

句子结构:主语( I )+谓语( believe )+宾语从句( that 引导) That 在从句中不作任何成分,没有意义,只会起连接作用,一般可以省略。



错误的句子: the capital of the government could be used on clean - up

operation , such action can create a comfortable environment

错误1:政府资金用 funds 就行

错误2:be used for sth .


正确的句子: Money can be used for clean - up operation , which can help create a pleasant environment .

句子结构:主语( Money )+谓语( be used ,被动态)+补语( for clean - up operation )

Which 引导定语从句,先行词是 clean - up operation ,

充当从句 can help 的主语


错误的句子: It is necessary to enforce some advertisement which encourage consumers to buy more than they need .



正确的句子: It is necessary to censor some advertisements which encourage people to buy more than they need .

句子结构:形式主语( it )+系动词( is )+表语( necessary )+真正的主语( to do 不定式)

Which 引导定语从句,先行词是 advertisements ,充当从句 encourage 的主语



错误句子: it is helpful to improve aiair quality , wvhich also make hcalthy

problems decline , such as respiratorpry diseases .

错误1: it is helpful to do sth 的意思是做什么事是有帮助的,不是



正确的句子: This can help to improve airair quality , which can reduce the

risk of suffering health problems susuichas respiratory diseases .

句子结构:主语( this )+谓语( help )+宾语( to do 不定式)+宾补

( air quality )

Which 引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是是前面整句话


错误句子: The authority shoould limit the news which give an

exaggerated account of social problems .

错误 l : limit 用的不恰当

错误2: news 是不可数名词,定语从句谓谓语动词要用单三

正确的句子: Authorities should censor tr those news reports which give

an exaggerated account of some social problems .

句子结构:主语( Authorities )+谓语( censor )+宾语( news reports ) Which 引导定语从句,先行词是 news reports


的句子: Themediaprefer to report violent crimes , because it can attract audience

错误的原因: it 指代不了前面的 crimes .

正确的句子: The media prefer to report violent crimes , which can help attract viewers .

句子结构:主语( The media )+谓语( prefer )+宾语( to do 不定式)+宾补( violent crimes )

Which 引导定语从句,先行词是 violent crimes ,充当从句 can help 的主语

翻译98:这就是为什么文员( clerical workers )如今经常有健康的问题。

错误句子: It is the reason why clerical workers always suffer healthy problems today .

错误:是 health problems

正确的句子: It is the reason why many clerical workers today suffer health problems .

句子结构:主语( It )+系动词( is )+表语( the reason )

Why (= for which )引导定语从句,先行词是 the reason ,充当从句 for 的宾语

翻译99:许多员工愿意在那些可以获得晋升机会( promotional opportunities )的公司工作。

错误句子: Many employees are willing to work in the company which they can acquire promotional opportunities .

错误1:the company 不恰当,因为不可能世界上只有一个公司可以提供这样的机会。


正确的句子: Many employees prefer to work in companies where they ca gain promotional opportunities .

句子结构:主语( Many employees )+谓语( prefer )+宾语( to do 不定式)

Where (= in which )引导定语从句,先行词是 companies ,充当从句 in 的宾语

翻译100:很多年轻人选择在英文国家( English - speaking countries )学习,在那里,他们可以在世界著名的大学学习。

错误句子: Many young people prefer to study in English - speaking countries where they can join in world - famous universities .

错误: join in 不是一个很好的动词选择

正确的句子: Many young people have chosen to study in English - speaking countries , where they can study at some world famous universities .

句子结构:主语( young people )+谓语( have chosen )+宾语( to do 不定式)

Where (= in which )引导定语从句,先行词是 English - speaking countries ,充当从句 in 的宾语
